Wow! What a way to start the month of June!
Yesterday we had a great day with our family and friends. The day started off with our road show at UPM for the Malakoff event. It was a bright sunny day. Thanks to Luqman & Sabrina and Taufik with Siti we managed to do our 1st road show together! Our kids got involved too. They were helping by distributing flyers to the participants.
Eventually we managed to get a few people to the booth and did their inner scan. Ourselves we managed to scan 5 people with 2 students from UPNM and 3 students from UPSI. The studetns were excited to find out more about Herbalife Nutrition. It was a great feeling having teh opportunity to share with them on how to have a better & healthier life! Most of these kids were in their early 20's and they have healthy bodies but they were really keen to stay healthy.
Elin invited them over to the booth using this ayat,"Malakoff event participants? Fantastic! today we are proving FREE service for YOU. If YOU go to a clinic they will charge YOU RM197 but today for YOU it is FREE! YOU get to identify water content and your body age!
Wow! What an invitation. InsyaAllah we will be in UPNM to do a follow up on Monday.
After that we rushed over to Keramat for our cousin's aqeqah. They just got a NEW baby girl - Nurul Fathanah. Alhamdulillah, so after we finished up at UPM with our post mortem and everything we arrrived in Keramat at about 2:30pm. The kambing was really good with the nasi minyak and everything.
After that we scanned our cousins. Amazing! They have just been taking Herbalife for 2+ weeks and already they have fantastic results! My cousin lost 2.3KG!!! Her husband lost 400g and on top of that the husband who was suffering from gastric shared that now he sleeps better at night because of Herbalife. We asked him what do you mean? He said, before this, before going to bed he would eat rice at 11pm because he had gastric but at 3am or 4pm he will wake up because he will feel uncomfortable and masuk angin. BUT with Herbalife he can sleep peacefully until Subuh. Wow! Thank you Allah & Thank you Herbalife! We are so excited!
Finally we went to Klang for my brother's son's birthday. Adam was celebrating 1 years old. masa nak balik, my sister in-law sisters saw Elin's badge "Lose Weight Now, Ask Me How". They asked her. So we did a sharing with all their family members and scanned them. Alhamdulillah 2 people are starting to take Formula 1! We want to make sure they get great results. InsyaAllah.
Today we had an amazing time in Puchong. We conquered Bukit Wawasan as a family. It took us 2 hours but we did it. Awesone & Amazing! InsyaAllah next week we want to go again & hopefully with more people from our Kelab Sihat :)
So come on to our Kelab Sihat Kita (KSK). It's on every Monday nite at Setiawangsa. Contact us if you need the address as we welcome you to join us. Jom SIHAT! :)