Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The WOW Factor

Alhamdulillah, Isnin lalu kami berpeluang belajar dengan distributor No 1 Malaysia, Kapten Saiful, 20K International Executive President's Team! Income dia bulan lepas RM260,000! Alhamdulillah! Bangga melihat seorang anak Melayu yang berjaya!

Banyak perkara yang Kapten Saiful kongsi pada malam semalam. Salah satu perkara yang kami belajar adalah pada pendapat kami Herbalife adalah satu perniagaan untuk mereka yang suka menolong orang dan orang yang suka memberi & bersedekah. Dalam Herbalife cara kita memberi adalah dengan berkongsi cerita kita. InsyaAllah Allah SWT akan balas. Harapannya adalah dengan cerita kita dapat memberi harapan & inspirasi kepada orang lain.

Salah satu perkara yang luar biasa yang Kapten kongsi adalah dengan Herbalife kita boleh bantu orang dapat mereka punya WOW! Apa maksudnya? Ini adalah cara Kapten meyakinkan orang lain dan juga mendapatkan orang menggunakan Herbalife.

Matlamat kita bukanlah untuk menjual produk Herbalife tetapi kita mahu semua orang gunakan produk agar jadi lebih sihat dan bertenaga. Kami sendiri sudah guna Herbalife sejak tahun 2009 dan matlamat kami adalah agar seluruh keluarga kami menggunakannya kerana kesannya amat baik.

OK, tentang WOW factor, apa yang kita buat adalah bagi orang yang baru nak mula Herbalife khususnya yang nak turunkan berat badam kita kena tolong mereka turun 4kg/bulan. Kalau ikut betul-betul, insyaAllah GERENTI boleh. Jadi kalau dia nak turun 16kg, kita target utk 4 bulan program. Jadi kita minta dia pilih samada program 1 atau 3 atau 6 bulan.

Sebelum kita mula, kita minta dia senaraikan semua masalah kesihatan yang dia ada seperti lelah, semput, sakit belakang, sakit kaki, pening, letih, cepat mengantuk dan sebagainya. InsyaAllah dia start ambil produk dengan cara yang betul, biasanya dalam 1 minggu akan dapat lihat perubahan kepada dirinya. InsyaAllah akan dapat result dan pada masa ini dia sudah boleh berkongsi testimoni dengan keluarga & rakan-rakan.

bagi orang yang nak tabah berat badan atau yang nak lebih tenaga kita hanya fokus kepada msalah kesihatan yang mereka ada dan ajar mereka untuk ambil produk cara betul. InsyaAllah akan ada kesannya.

Selalunya, orang tak dapat kesan positif adalah kerana mereka tidak disiplin. Tanggungjawab kita untuk membantu mereka selagi mereka mahu. Kita tidak boleh paksa.

InsyaAllah ada banyak lagi yang nak dikongsi di lain kali. So persoalannya, Have you had your shake today? :)

Jom kita tolong diri sendiri & keluarga kita agar lebi sihat.

Friday, November 9, 2012

If they can, why not me?

Today we just want to share an experience that we had a few days back in inviting a few prospects to check out the Herbalife opportunity. It was great experience and also a funny one at that.

So here's what happened. We invited two different people to the same Herbalife Opportunity Meeting (HOM). This was done through our online approach. Let us share what we do. Firstly we are very busy people and we believe that Malaysia people are really busy. They never have time for anything else but for themeselves :) Yes or yes? Anyways we are the same but what we learned is that we need to make the time for we want in life and we know that we want our herbalife business to work!

So today Alhamdulillah, with technology we can leverage and use the Internet. That is why we sign up for the website package at Here we can get 3 website that we can use to promote our Herbalife business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days in a year and we get to promote around the world to almost 2 billion internet users! Wow! That is really amazing! So we have 3 websites - 1. 2. 3.

Now all we have to do is get people to visit the websites. We send out emails and we put posting on FB, Twitter and through articles from our blogs. We use a script. It has worked for us and we can GUARANTEE it can work for you. InsyaAllah. Anyways you need to put in the effort. As they say, no pain no gain!

So that's how we got our 2 prospects. They visited our website and than we got their contacts and we did our follow up using the script. We always use the script and it works! Alhamdulillah the 2 prospect agreed to attend the HOM.

After the HOM, we contacted both prospects. For the ease of following our sharing let's call them A and B. The best part of this experience was that both A & B were from the same age and they came from the same College. They attended the HOM and did not realize this. :)

We contacted A and asked him, so did you see an opportunity for yourself with us and Herbalife? He said NO! He said, he was looking for an opportunity that does not require any effort and no money! He told us that he cannot do Herbalife because he will need to invest in the IBP pack and use the products. Furthermore he said  that I will have to share with other people the benefits. It cost too much & it's too much work! So we ask him, what did you hope to see at the HOM? He said that he wanted to find an opportunity that requires no work and no money! Can you believe this?

We asked B, did you see an opportunity for yourself with us and Herbalife? He said YES! He said that this is a fantastic opportunity. It is amazing that you can start a business with only RM98 and than you buy the products for yourself so that you get healthy and than you share the benefits with others. When you share not only are you helping people but you can also make some and in fact a lot of money! Wow!

That night, when we listened to the 2 different respond it really made us smile. It is true, what they say. People with dreams and ambitions, when they look at an opportunity, they tell themselves why not? and more importantly why not me? It's all in the mind. So moral of the story is that we need to contact or talk to more people that is what it's all about. Keep on talking and sharing about Herbalife and eventually you will find your diamond! InsyaAllah.

We need to think big. Think bigger than our problems. If we keep on thinking we will succeed once we have money and the people it's not going to happen. You will always be stuck. Make your dreams bigger, don't be afraid of rejections and failures. We have been rejected every single day and the best thing is that we love it!

It's life! People don't respond, people don't want to join you, people don't want to attend training's, people stop using the products, people don't reply your sms & just ignore you. Guess what, it's going to keep on happening until the end of time. Why? Because they are people. And we are people and we do the same thing. But what we need to do is we need to become better people.

Hopefully this sharing today will inspire you to really take this Herbalife opportunity and make it happen for yourself and your family. If you have stopped for a while, maybe it is time to start using the products and start to attend the meetings again. Find the spark or the magic that you saw. It's never too late. We are always around :)

Hope to see you all at the Spectacular in Stadium Bukit Jalil 0n 25-27 January 2013. It will be Spectacular! Tickets are still on sale and you can still get the early bird tickets!

Check out the video trailer for the Spectacular here

You need to be there!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Sharing is Caring - How we got orders in just under 30 minutes!

Just wanted to share our experience last Wednesday. Every Wednesday night our kids have piano class at home and we have the piano teacher come over to give lessons. It so happened that we were also waiting for delivery of our dodol from our supplier. That night it rained heavily so everybody got caught up in the jam! Our supplier arrived late and ended up having to Solat at our house.

She came with a friend from work. After performing their Solat Maghrib, we offered them a drink which was our Herbalife shake. We blended F1 Tropical Fruit with Pokka Manggo mik and they loved it. Kak Elin than share with them about Herbalife and they got interested :) So she proceeded to do a health scan for them. She explained their results and they became more interested with  the products. The thing that got them really worried was their body age and they were surprised to find out that Kak Elin is already 37 years old!

In fact our supplier's friend said that her cousin was doing Herbalife and she was commuting from Kedah to Bangi every other week to attend training. In fact she just came back from Macau to attend the Herbalife University! Wow! What a small world! So Kak Elin advice her to get the products from her cousin. As for our supplier she was so excited that she decided to register as a member and start on the F1 and aloe vera!

Now, at this point our piano teacher had arrived. She was late, and our kids were still having dinner. So we decided to give her a shake as well. She loved it and wanted to know what it was. She said that she had gastric problems and we told her that Herbalife is not a diet but just healthy food. It is so easy to make. She got curious and she even requested to see the F1 canister. She asked about the price and was shocked to hear it. She said that it was quite expensive! But to our surprise she ordered one Tropical Fruit F1 and wanted it next week! Wow! That was a great experience for us.

Herbalife is so easy. We just need to be more caring and share with more people. Come on guys, lets' start taking our SHAKEs seriously. There are so many people out there that we can help.

Let's change people's lives one at a time!

Together we ca do it! Hope to see you all the HOM, STS, Zero2Hero & Spectacular! InsyaAllah.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Skipping breakfast primes the brain to seek out fat

Read this great article contributed by By James Gallagher

Friday, August 10, 2012

How he started at 19 years old, and this year earning RM1.2 million!!!

Sharing from our Nutrition Club Academy August 2012

Alhamdulillah, a few days back we had the wonderful opportunity to attend a Nutrition Club Academy organized by Herbalife corporate at Istana Hotel, KL. It was Ramadhan and our kids had school. But we really wanted to learn so we had to make some adjustments and Alhamdulillah we managed to attend training.

Why did we go to all the trouble? The thing is that we believe the only way we have a great business is by us getting better. The only way to get better is to work on yourself more by attending more training's. The more seminars (STS) or HOM that you attend, it will make you become better. And when you become better your business will become better. InsyaAllah. So invest in yourself!

Anyways the main reason for attending this training session was because it was conducted by NEW President's Team members, Clint and Elizabeth. Clint has been with Herbalife for the past 12 years and his wife started, Elizabeth started Herbalife in 2004. They met through Herbalife :)

Here is a bit about their background according to what they shared with us. :)

Clint is from a small town in California, USA with a population of only 4000 people. He started Herbalife at the age of 19 years old! His first job was a dishwasher and his second job was a painter which paid him $10/ hour. The only problem was the job was not stable so he decided to look for an opportunity. He found Herbalife through the newspaper. The lesson that he shared here is that, 'For Things To Change, YOU Must Change!'

He says that you need to know what is is that you need to change so that you can get what you want in life. At the point when he was a painter, his work depended on his boss, the contractor for jobs and he was also depended on the weather. He could only paint houses when it's not raining so his income was very unstable. It came to the point that he had no money and his savings was shrinking so much that he withdrew his last $250 and closed his bank account!

He realized that he had to change! So that's when he started to look in the newspapers to find other opportunities. he saw this add that says - Full Training Provided & No Experience Required! 

He went to to the Herbalife Opportunity Meeting (HOM) and signed up. The funny thing was that he had heard about Herbalife before when he was painting a house which was owned by a Chairman's club member. They were really successful and yet they did not share with him the Herbalife opportunity. But today, he is a President's Team! Lesson here - Talk To Everybody About Herbalife! You just never know who you can help :)

 He did not have any money for the International Business Pack (IBP) so he borrowed from his mum. When he got his IBP and products he decided to sell the products to his mum and from the profit pay back his mum! What an idea! :) This was because his mom had always wanted to loose weight and have been trying to do so for the past 20 years!!!

But his coach/mentor told him that he needed to get on the products himself first. His coach told him that - "I will only work with you if you use the products!' Wow! That's brilliant! That's how he started. His product results was that he stopped medication for his asthma problems that he had for 12 years and in the 1st 2 weeks he lost 2kg of body fat! The lesson here is that You Cannot Argue With Results! - The products work!  Clint says that you need to share product results and income results!

Because of his results, his mom started on the products and from there in the first month he got 15 customers! Just by sharing and talking to people! In 2 years time he qualified as a Millionaire Team!!!

He than traveled to Brazil and South Africa and started businesses over there. In 2006, when Malaysia was starting he made the decision to come to Malaysia and build the business! He did not know anybody and he was starting from Zero.

Elizabeth is from Singapore, She started Herbalife at the age of 24. At the time she was working as a Television writer. She loved her job so she did not have any reason to do the business. When a friend introduced her to Herbalife, she took the products for health reasons. In 4 weeks she lost 4kgs! Her asthma problem which she was having for the past 13 years were gone! In fact after 2 months she had no more asthma!

Her first customer was her brother who was amazed with her results! He lost 10kg in 10 weeks! She attend 4 HOM and 1 STS but still could not see the business opportunity :) Lesson here is that sometimes people take more time to see the opportunity. Never give up on people!

It was later when she saw that she could help people did she got started in the business!

Clint & Elizabeth met and got married and they decided to build their Herbalife business in Penang. They did not know anybody but they had a dream! They started their own HOM and had their first STS in Penang with only 20 people (and 15 of them were distributors!) Lesson here is that You Don't Have To Be Great To Start! You Just Need To Start!

Their business exploded when they started their Nutrition Club (NC) in March of 2010. Before they started their NC they traveled the world to learn how other successful NC operators have done it. They flew to Mexico, Brazil and the US. From there they gathered all the best practices. Lesson here - You Must Do A Bit Of Research - Prepare Yourself!

In the first year they managed to open 6 NC under them. But after 12 months on 3 NC left! But they did not give up and kept on building their NC.

In 2009, their annual income from Herbalife was only RM300K - RM25,000/month OK lah for them.
In 2010, after starting their NC, their income grew to more than RM500K - RM42,000/month Not Bad!
In 2011, they made RM780K - RM65,000/month Wow!!!!
In 2012, to date they are averaging RM100,000/month meaning by December 2012 they are going to make RM1.2 million!!! Incredible!!!

They even showed us their income statement!!!!

Look at the numbers, it is amazing!!!!

Clint & Elizabeth told us this, anybody that learns how to start a NC and can duplicate can become a President's Team in 3 years!!! That is a GUARANTEE!!!

3 years! Wow! That is so worth the trouble to get your Financial Freedom!!!!

The 5 reasons Why NC works well in Malaysia!

1. This is because through NC people get to TRY the products and see results without committing to a large amount of money. At RM39 they get to enjoy our Healthy Breakfast for 5 days which includes - Tea Mix + Aloe + F1 Shake. In 5 days they will GUARANTEE see results!

2. This allows you to have time to build relationships with your customers. Remember this business is all about relationship.

3. Through NC you get to help people better as you get to see them and make that they get the right results.

4. It's also a place where your team can get together. You get to create NEW Distributors as the NC is like a HOM.

5. NC is Easy, Fun & Magical!!!

There is just so much to share. We will share more later. But hope that what we have shared so far has got you excited about the Herbalife opportunity! We are excited and we want to work with you to make your dreams come through. Jom kita start NC!!!

If you would like to join us, please go to

Thursday, July 12, 2012

3 Tahun Dengan Herbalife...

Alhamdulillah, pada bulan Mei yang lalu genaplah 3 tahun kami menggunakan produk Herbalife. Kami berasa amat bersyukur kerana telah diperkenalkan kepada Herbalife oleh Cikgu Razak & Kak Norlela. Kami tak sedar pun dah 3 tahun sehinggalah balik dari Extravaganza di Singapura kami buka sampul surat dapat pin 3 Year & Supervisor!!!

Hebat betul Herbalife. Masa 1 tahun kami dapat pin 1 Year. Sekarang 3 tahun diorang beri pin 3 Year! Wow! Siap dengan surat penghargaan dari CEO Herbalife lagi iaitu Michael O Johnson dari US! Memang Herbalife a great company. Dia tahu hargai orang.

Hari ini kehidupan kami telah bertambah lebih sihat. Bukan sahaja dapat menguruskan berat badan dengan lebih baik tetapi kami juga tahu kami boleh menjaga kesihatan kami dan keluarga dengan lebih baik melalui pemakanan yang sihat. Hari ini kami menggunakan hampir semua produk Herbalife!

Pagi, sebelum sarapan kami ambil aloe vera. Kemudian ambil shake F1 + F3 diikuti dengan tea mix sepanjang hari. Kami juga ambil omega 3 fish oil dan juga calsium. malam sebelum tidur minum night works. Alhamdulillah, berat badan dah turun 10kg & cholesterol turun dari 6.5 ke 5.5. Semuanya tanpa ubat dan senaman yang minima :) Maklumlah sibuk! Sebenarnya alasan. Tapi takpe azam baru nak excercise lebih.

Tahun ini alhamdulillah, keluarga kami pun sudah start ambil Herbalife. Kami rasa seronok sangat sebab kita ada peluang luar biasa ini untuk bantu keluarga & rakan-rakan jadi sihat. Sekarang kalau orang singgah rumah kami bancuh shake. Anak-anak kami pergi sekolah pun bawa shake dan tea mix. Paling best semalam anak kami Aiman, Cikgu dia panggil suruh Aiman inform kami minta kami call Cikgu dia sebab nak cuba Herbalife. Jadi hari ini Aiman terpaksa bawa business card Herbalife kami.

Dekat ofis, kawan kami Ali Boualili seoarang bangsa Perancis juga mengakui salah satu masalah paling besar di dunia sekarang adalah kegemukan! Dia pun berminat nak cuba Herbalife :)

Sekarang ni memang betul.... orang mula sedar tentang kesihatan, insyaAllah ramai yang mencari. Kita kena berkongsi. Shake & share! :)

Jom kita sihat & jom kita tolong semua orang jadi lebih sihat. InsyaAllah.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Nobody Is Born Great! Everybody Were Born Babies!

Hari ini dalam perjalanan ke pejabat, sempat mendengar CD, Pat Mesiti yang bertajuk, Building Big Business. Banyak yang dia kongsikan khususnya dalam membina satu perniagaan dengan siapa kita patut bina dan siapa patut berada dalam pasukan kita.

Antara perakara yang boleh dikongsikan adalah:

1.Perniagaan kita adalah tentang orang. Bahasa mudahnya ~ People Is Our Business! Bisnes Kita bukan menjual produk tetapi membantu Orang.

2. Kita perlu mencari atau orang-orang yang mahu menjadi SOMEBODY dalam kehidupannya. Tiada siapa yang dilahirkan hebat, semua orang dilahirkan sebagai bayi. Hakikatnya semua orang mahu menjadi SOMEBODY! Mudah kata kita kena ada impian & perlu cari orang ada impian.

3. Untuk mencapai sesuatu yang luar biasa kita perlu berusaha. Ramai orang yg inginkan kejayaan tetapi tidak mahu berusaha. Itulah sebabnya, we fail naturally but with effort we will succeed. Kita akan gagal secara semulajadi tetapi dengan usaha kita akan berjaya.

4. Orang yang paling berjaya adalah orang yang sanggup belajar. Ramai orang nak berjaya tapi tidak mahu belajar. Itu sebab dalam Herbalife kita ada banyak training yang kita boleh hadir. Ada yang percuma ada yang kena bayar. Yang penting kita sendiri mesti mahu berubah. Hadirkan diri anda ke HOM, STS, Zero2Hero, Herbalife University, Spectacular dan Extravaganza. Kita selalu beri alasan, dan selagi kita beri alasan, kita akan hidup dengan alasan kita. Terpulanglah pada kita! :)

Baru-baru ini, alhamdulillah kami telah menghadiri HOM di PWTC. Alhamdulillah bawa seoarang prospek dan selepas HOM dia terus sign up jadi distributor! Semasa HOM kali ini terasa teruja apabila melihat seorang wanita memberi testimoni. Berat asalnya 230kg! Dengan Herbalife dia berjaya turun 70Kg! Memang luarbiasa!

InsyaAllah ramai orang yg kita boleh tolong. Fokuskan usaha kita kepada membantu orang di sekeliling kita menjadi lebih sihat. Cari jalan untuk berjumpa dengan lebih ramai orang supaya kita boleh tolong lebih ramai orang. Sharing is caring!

InsyaAllah kita semua boleh jadi Great!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Successful!

This past week we discovered a new definition for FOCUS.

FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Successful!

This is so through especially today as we all want instant success. Most of us give up too quickly! Especially in Herbalife! We need to stay FOCUS and have faith. Be more persistent and consistent. InsyaAllah we will get there.

We must also understand that we must do the activities, do the business, use the products, wear the button and talk and share with other people. The funny thing is that people try to build a business thinking that the business is a JOB. It's not! If you do that, than you might as well get a JOB. Forget business. :)

So how do we stay FOCUS? To tell you the truth it is not easy but it can be done with a lot of practice and self-awareness. We all are humans so we all get distracted occasionally. The trick is to minimise the distraction and stay FOCUS!

Firstly, one of the most important things to do to stay FOCUS is to always have a CLEAR goal. As they say, knowing where you are going is already half the journey. So it is very important for everything that you do you ask the question whether or not it is helping you to get to your goal. If not stop and do something that will get you there.

The best way to stay FOCUS in Herbalife is to attend more functions and training's. When is the next Success Training Seminar (STS) or when is the next Herbalife Opportunity Meeting (HOM). You need to invest in yourself so that you can become the person you need to be in order to be successful. That is the principle. Just copycat what other people are doing and you will get there. InsyaAllah.

We are creatures of habits, so we need to create success habits. 

Secondly, we need to understand that every success requires time. Whether it is to lose or gain weight, accumulate knowledge or wealth, to write a book, to create a business, to build a team; everything requires time and FOCUS. Our biggest problem is that we live in a microwave world where everything has to happen immediately! People cannot wait hence they lose FOCUS.

Remember, what you FOCUS on expands. Try it out. If you FOCUS on a problem, trust us the problem will become BIG! If you FOCUS on the solution, the problem becomes small. The same goes for anything and everything in your life. Whenever you FOCUS on something you give it energy.

For example, you want to build a business but you don’t know how. The best way to do it is to FOCUS on to learn from someone. For example we have a business that we are constantly looking to build a team. You can check it out the opportunity at Most of the time we get all the excited people but the only problem is that they are never FOCUSed. They expect the business will build by itself. They expect that success will come to them just because they decide. One of the things that we have learned is that ‘Knowledge without Action Is Nothing!’

You need to FOCUS and you need to take action. That is how you make things happen for yourself and your life!

So what are you waiting for? Start to FOCUS on growing yourself to become the person you want to be. Work hard on yourself and invest in yourself. You deserve it just as much as you deserve success! 

Make a decision to make today better, this week better and this month your best month ever! Let's do it together.

Come on, give us a call, email, sms or whatever that you feel comfortable. We are here to help. Let's do it together!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

We got lost in Cheras to see a prospect...

It's almost midnight and thought that I just share our experience so far this past 2 days. We just got back from attending the Singapore Extravaganza. It was truly exciting and inspiring!!! It was worth every time & money spent. You need to be there to understand what it means.

Anyways coming back we were all fired up! Yesterday we had a coaching session with Syafiq from Kedah. He shared something with us with regard to using the internet as a Daily Method Operation (DMO). Syafiq had just attended a seminar conducted by Dr Azizan & Brian. He was excited as from the seminar he found out that one of the best way to build a business like Herbalife is to use social media suach as Facebook. The trick is that you need to post 6 times! Don't post an add or trying to sell but rather post your stories. It made sense since we attended a Internet Marketing Training seminar a while back and they taught us that you need to send your email 7 times before it gets opened!

Anyways, tonite we had an appointment to meet up with a prospect in Cheras. This person had wanted to see us since last year and we never got around to do it. But this time around we have a new mission which is changing people's lives through good nutrition.

Hence we fixed an appointment to go see him in Cheras at 8:00pm. Our kids had tuition from 8:00pm until 10:00pm. So our window of opportunity was only 2 hours. Just to share, we were suppose to see him last week but as I was driving to Cheras my car broke down. In fact in the past few months we just could not get the opportunity nor the time to meet. It was always a challenge that we even wondered if God is trying to tell us something.

Tonite we were all set with our GPS and we left house early. After dropping off the kids at their tuition we set off for Cheras with our GPS in hand. But alas our GPS could not locate the place. Arriving in Cheras we gave the guy a called and he told us to meet at Pekan Batu 9. We got lost twice just to find the place. The appointment which was originally scheduled at 8:00pm did not seem like it was going to happen. However we persisted and we found the place and on top of that we found someone whom we can help become healthier!

In life we need to work hard to achieve success. Choose to do the easy things and life will be hard on you. Choose to do the hard things and life will be EASY on you!

So let's go and get our dreams together!!! InsyaAllah. Let's share our fantastic products with everybody. Let's get everybody healthy!

Herbalife, changing people's life!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sharing from Kapten Zainoll ~ 3 Kali Nazak

Alhamdulillah, today in Malaysia is Labor Day. It is a public holiday and we have used today to prepare our Fast Track Blue Print for ourselves and our group. We are so excited because we know that InsyaAllah everybody in our group can benefit and grow their business using this Fast Track Blue Print or FTBP.

Today we got a couple of success stories that we got via SMS. One is from Khairul our team member currently in Penang. He has been on the product for the past 3 weeks and only taking Formula 1 as healthy breakfast. Alhamdulillah today he SMS us and told us that he has lost 2Kg! Congrats Khairul! Well done. This was what he SMS to us ~ '...dok mbik bf da trun 2kg...'.

Than we received another SMS from Cikgu Razak who shared another result. The SMS read as follows ~ 'SHARING DARI FACEBOOK. Testimoni Kapten Zainoll. Before ni ada Penyakit Buah Pinggang Totally out,Jantung,Usus bocor &lain2.Pernah nazak 3 kali. Menginap di hospital pakar seminggu d ICU. Kesihatan bertambah baik selepas makan shake Formula 1,Formula 3&NW Formula. sedih&Takut dgr perkongsian dr beliau. Pesan Kapten Zainoll,"Hargai Kesihatan waktu Muda belia&Manfaatkan  Mknan Seimbang Herbalife'.

Wow! What a powerful sharing! Come on let's share Herbalife with more people. Alhamdulillah yesterday, my father started to take the NW formula. I have 2 brothers and a sister taking formula 1. Kak Elin's mother and grandma also taking Formula 1 as breakfast. Elin's father is taking Fish Oil Omega 3 and Aloe. InsyaAllah everybody will become more healthier!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

How We Got Started With Herbalife?

This is going to be a bit hard as we will try to recall how it all started for us. So please bear with us...

In January 2009, we bumped into a couple of dear friends from Kuching Sarawak, Cikgu Razak and wife Kak Norlela. They gave us a call and just wanted to catch up since it has been such a long time since we last met.

When we met at a restaurant in KL, we were shocked to see Cikgu & Kak Lela. They did not look their age. Cikgu was in his 50s and yet he looked as though he has become younger. He looked fit and energetic. Even Kak Lela was looking more radiant. We had to admit that they looked very well indeed.

The first thing that we asked was, 'What Happened Cikgu?' We just had to know.

Cikgu said that they had discovered Herbalife! It was because of Herbalife that they are now leading a healthier lifestyle and now they are promoting the Herbalife nutrition and business opportunity. At that point in time we were busy with our own business and we were not looking at any other opportunity but we always knew that the Network Marketing business is one of the best industry to be involved in if not the best!

Why do we say this? This is because fro our own experience the network marketing business is an industry that actually allows you to grow yourself to become a better person and more importantly to become a leader. we just LOVE it!

Anyways to cut the story short, we decided to take Herbalife especially me (Amirul) as at that time I was overweight and my cholesterol was reading at 6.5 which is high risk. Even doctors told me that I had to do something about it or go on medication. I was worried as I had already lost 6 friends to heart attacks. So we decided to take Herbalife!

Alhamdulillah, with Herbalife my weight now is at 70kg! I have lost 10kg and my latest cholesterol reading is 5.5! I feel great and we are so excited to share the Herbalife opportunity with everybody we know.

We truly believe that it is our responsibility to share this wonderful and great opportunity.

You just need to believe it. Look if you find something good and you know that it can help other people what would you do? You would share right!

So let's SHAKE and SHARE!

If you would like to know more about us than go to