Monday, January 28, 2013

15 Ways to Overcome Sales Objections

We just finished Spectacular 2013! It was awesome with more than 15,000 attendees!!! Wow! Wow! Wow!

Every body is pumped up & every body wants to make it happen. Here are some tips that can help us as we build the business together.

15 Ways to Overcome Sales Objections

by Tim Parker
Sales objections are a fact of life when you're in business, and how you handle them can determine whether your business struggles or thrives. Here are 15 tips to help you overcome sales objections more easily. 
Di sini ada 15 strategi yang kita boleh gunakan :)
1) Know your product. Seems obvious, doesn’t it? However, knowing your product or service does not stop at reading the data and knowing about your competitors. It is about truly understanding it and believing that it solves a need in the marketplace. People sense enthusiasm.
2) Keep it short. You only have a few seconds to make them ask for more. It’s that elevator pitch—the 15 to 30 second synopsis of why you are taking up their valuable time that may make or break the sale. What do you want them to know right now? Hint: They are looking for something better than what they have. Why do you have it?
3) On the other hand, don’t hurry. There is a difference between presenting your pitch efficiently and rushing. If you act as if you can’t wait to leave, your prospect will gladly show you the door. Listen. They will let you know when they are finished talking.
4) Establish trust. It is all but impossible to sell something to someone who does not trust you. Dale Carnegie, in his book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” said that the way to a sale is to have a genuine interest in people—not what you can get out of them but what you can give to them.
5) Supply samples. Objections will often stem from risk. Does the person want to chance failure and embarrassment if your product or service doesn’t work out? You can curb that risk by offering a free sample. If you have a quality product, it will sell itself.
6) Offer a trial period. If you offer a service rather than a product, offer a free month. This allows the customer to keep their current provider relationship intact while trying your service.
7) Bring up the objection first. You likely know the objections so bring them up at the outset. “We don’t claim to be cheapest but once you try us, you’ll find that the value you receive far outweighs the price.”
8) Be a listener. Valuing people starts with listening. Set up an environment where they can speak candidly and then respond to what you hear. This will go further than monopolizing the conversation.
9) Find the source of the objection. It might be concrete. “We don’t have the budget.” Alternatively, it may be in their head. “We’re happy with our current provider.” Each of these requires a different message.
10) Offer the solution as a question. For each objection give them the answer that would solve the objection. “What if I could show you that our service will cut your costs by 5 percent the first year?”
11) Stick to the facts. Salesy words like cutting edge, innovative, game changing, or best in class are not only cheesy, they do nothing to sway a person’s opinion. You can say you are the best if you have data to back it up.

13) Relate to the objection. 
Keep coming back to empathy. Sometimes making the sale today isn’t as important as understanding the person’s position. If the prospect doesn’t want to commit because they are afraid of losing their job in the near future, offer to give their resume to clients that might be interested. It is not only the right thing to do, it will build the relationship.12) Be careful about discounting. There is always someone willing to sell for nothing. They are not making money and they will not be in business long. Don’t get into a price war. It cheapens the value of your product or service. Besides, is a sale where you don’t make any money really a win?
14) Don’t stop at the brushoff. “Send me some information” is a classic that you have likely heard before. Use that to set up a meeting. “Could I bring some information by your office and go over it with you?”
15) Don’t take it personally. When they say no, don’t take it personally, even if it sounds personal. They are not objecting to you—they do not know you. They are objecting to your product or service. The more you work to build the relationship despite the frosty response you are getting, the more likely you are to turn them into a customer.
Are you the type of person who thinks that you don’t have the personality for sales? Your skin isn’t thick enough or your personality is introverted? Very few people are natural sales people. It takes practice, making mistakes, and learning from those mistakes to gain skill. Don’t sell yourself short. All it takes is a firm belief in your product, a genuine caring for others, and practice to communicate it.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Malaysian Children Are Obese! We can help them!

Today got a FREE copy of the Malay Mail on the way to the post office. The first thing that caught my attention on the front page was an article stating that OBESITY among Malaysian children are higher than most Asian countries!

Wow! This is incredible. And according to the health minister datuk seri Liow Tiong Lai it is getting worse. The percentage of people becoming in Malaysia has been increasing every single year. Here's a scanned copy of the article.

We can do something about this. Through Herbalife we can help these children. There are a lot of problems for people who are over weight. It is not just the feeling but also other problems such as shopping for cloths, being uncomfortable to do task or chores. you get tired fast and other health related problems. The biggest problem or challenge is when it starts to affect the self esteem and confidence. We do not want our children to go through that at an early age. We can do something about this and it all starts with the right food. Give them the proper nutrition and get them active!

Come on everybody, let's save our children for our future together.

If you know anybody who needs help with their kids, please contact us or got to our website at

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Perkongsian Tentang Meruncit & Tindakan Susulan

Ini kami just nak share apa yang kami belajar semasa STS di Marriot Putrajaya kelmarin tentang meruncit & tindakan susulan. Topik ini telah disampaikan oleh adik Nurfarahin Farhan yang baru berusia 20 tahun dan kini seorang Active World Team!

Adik Nurfarahin berasal dari JB dan mula Herbalife pada usia 18 tahun sahaja selepas SPM! SPM results amat baik semua A kecuali 1 B. Seoarng pelajar cemerlang yang mendapat tawaran untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke IPT dan telah dipanggil untuk menyertai PLKN tetapi dia pilih untuk buat Herbalife!

Sebelum Herbalife, dia overweight dan ada masalah kesihatan seperti asthma, period pain dan resdung. Selepas mula dengan Herbalife, alhamdulillah dia berjaya turun 15kg & hilang semua masalah kesihatan. Wow! Alhamdulillah!

So kenapa Retail? Retail atau meruncit atau bahasa mudahnya menjual & mempromosi produk Herbalife adalah penting untuk kita mendapatkan 4 perkara berikut:
1. Tunai atau Cash Flow untuk perniagaan kita.
2. Untuk mendapatkan cerita baru melalui pelanggan baru kita. Testimoni.
3. Mencari pengedar berpotensi untuk menyertai organisasi kita, biasanya mereka adalah pengguna yang suka dengan produk dan sudah dapat kesan dari produk. Menurut Kapten Saiful, kebanyakkan DIAMOND datang dari pengguna. YOU must LOVE the products! Tetapi LOVE sahaja tak cukup tapi mesti guna produk. Become the product of the products.
4. Ianya merupakan asa pembinaan bisnes yang stabil.

Jadi bagaimana meruncit? Senang saje. Ada 3 langkah yang semua orang buat. Tak kira anda siapa. MUDAH & SENANG. Kita cuma perlu:

1. Guna produk - Hari ini setiap hari kami ambil 8 produk Herbalife iaitu F1, F3, Aloe Vera, Tea Mix, NRG Tea, Omega 3 Fish Oil, Calcium dan NW! Itu baru inner. Untuk outer kami guna skin care, hair care, face quencher dan banyak lagi! Memang seronok. Keluarga kami sahaja guna 500 VP setiap bulan :)

2. Pakai Butang - Mula-mula memang kekok jugak tapi macamnilah, pakai ajelah. GERENTI ada orang tanya. Bila orang tanya kita bagi flyer atau biz card. itu semua mesti ada bersama kita sentiasa. Kadang2x kelakar sebab kita tahu orang tengah baca butang kita tapi dia tak berani nak tanya. Cubalah, ianya satu pengalaman baru. Percayalah!

3. Cakap dengan ramai orang - Kita punya kerja senang aje. Kita berkongsi kebaikan. Dan yang seronoknya Herbalife ni kita boleh share dengan semua orang tak kira umur, jantina, kedudukan, agama atau apa saje sekalipun. semua orang memerlukannya sebab Herbalife adalah makanan dan bukan ubat. makanan sihat untuk semua :)

Cara paling bagus untuk berkongsi adalah dengan cerita pengalaman sendiri atau pinjam cerita orang lain yang kita dengar. itu pentingnya menghadiri HOM, STS, Spectacular & Extravaganza. Dari events kita boleh dapat banyak cerita yang mungkin boleh tolong famili & kawan-kawan kita semua. InsyaAllah, Selalu share sebelum dan selepas.

Kalau orang bagi argument atau cakap perkara negatif kita just jawab macam ini...

'Saya tidak tahu, apa yang saya tahu adalah (cerita anda) saya dan keluarga sudah ambil Herbalife sejak 2009. Saya sudah turun 8 kg dalam 3 bulan, isteri dan anak-anak saya sihat dann bertenaga & orang selalu terkejut bila bertanya tentang umur kami'. Just beritahu kisah benar anda. :)

Kita mesti jaga customer kita, pastikan mereka dapatkan results. InsyaAllah kalau mereka guna produk dengan cara yang betul GERENTI dapat results. selalu jadi masalah bila mereka tak guna dengan betul dan tiada disiplin. jadi kitalah yang kena tolong mereka. InsyaAllah kita cuba bersama.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Malaysians At Risk - We Must Help!

We are in Mersing doing a program at Politeknik Mersing Johor last month in December 2012. We received a copy of the day's newspaper and that's when we saw it!

Wow! We really need to do our part to help people. Think about it, our of every 3 people you know, 1 is OBESE!!! Let's do something about it together. InsyaAllah.

Why Herbalife at STS pertama untuk 2013

Alhamdulillah, Ahad lalu, 13 Jan 2013 kami berpeluang menghadiri STS pertama kami di Marriot Putrajaya untuk tahun 2013. Wah! Hotelnya memang cukup hebat. Besar & amat selesa. Minggu lepas kami di HOM di Hotel Seri Pacific,KL minggu ini di Marriot Putrajaya pula. Memang seronok!

STS telah dimulakan dengan perkongsian dari GET Team member Chin Hsien Hui dengan tajuk WHY HERBALIFE?

Latarbelakang, Hsien Hui berasal dari Ipoh kini menetap di Seremban. Mula Herbalife pada tahun 2008. Pada masa itu ingin mencari peluang pendapatan lebih dan inginkan lebih masa bersama keluarga. Pemegang IJAZAH dalam Food Technology dan ada MASTERS dalam communications. Kerja Hsien Hui adalah mengutip dana untuk bantu orang bayar bil hospital mereka. Gaji permulaan RM1700 sahaja dan gaji terakhir setelah 4 tahun bekerja di hospital cuma RM2200 sahaja! Kenaikan RM500 selama 4 tahun bekerja :)

Hsien Hui berkongsi tentang Herbalife hari ini yg sudah 33 tahun, lebih 90 juta pengguna berpuas hati di seluruh dunia, lebih 2 juta pengedar dan kini beroperasi & lulus kementerian kesihatan di 88 buah negara!!! Pertumbuhan tahunan yang kukuh, disenaraikan di NYSE dan bayaran pampasan tertinggi sehingga 73%!!! Memang luarrrrrbiasa :)

Herbalife adalah untuk orang yg ingin mencari perkara2x berikut:
1. Pendapatan berdasarkan aktiviti atau usaha.
2. Bebas bekerja sendiri tanpa majikan.
3. Boleh menetukan waktu kerja sendiri.
4. Kerja sambilan dengan gaji penuh.
5. Kerja di mana saja anda suka.
6. Kejayaan bersama pasukan anda.
7. Prospek kejayaan luar biasa!

Hsien Hui berkongsi, 4 tahun di hospital gaji dari RM1700 naik RM2200 sahaja. Kini sudah 4 1/2 tahun dengan Herbalife pendapatannya adalah RM22,000 sebulan!!! WOW! Hsien Hui juga share, rahsia kejayaan Herbalife dia adalah events. Pastikan pergi semua STS, Specatcular & Extravaganza!!!

Jom kita berjaya bersama. InsyaAllah. Why Herbalife? Why not Herbalife!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Nutrisi Minda - Rahsia Kebijaksanaan

Alhamdulillah, hari ini kami berpeluang menghadiri sesi Majlis Muafakat Ibubapa & Guru UPSR 2013 SK Bukit Pantai. InsyaAllah puteri kami, Amira Elina akan menduduki peperiksaan UPSR tahun ini. Sudah besar dia. Cepat sungguh masa berlalu. :)

Alhamdulillah sekolah anak kami ini amat bersemangat, baru minggu kedua sudah ada ujian prestasi dan diadakan majlis ilmu & muafakat seperti ini. Tahniah kepada pihak sekolah & semua ibubapa yang hadir. InsyaAllah kita akan ushakan yang terbaik.

Bagi kami sekeluarga, santapan ilmu pada hari ini amat baik kerana kami berpeluang mendengar perkongsian dari Dr Abdol Aziz Samat, Pengurus Besar Akademi Minda Bistari. Beliau seorang graduan Universiti Malaya dan telah banyak membuat penyelidikan tentang bagaimana kebijaksanaan seseorang adalah bergantung kepada pemakanan khususnya nutrisi yang baik.

Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan kepada pelajar-pelajar bijak pandai seluruh negara yang mana IQ dan CQ mereka tinggi dan luar biasa didapati, pemakanan mereka dan juga apa yang ibu mereka makan semasa mengandung memainkan peranan. In fact hampir kesemua menunjukkan hasil yang sama. SubhanAllah!

Menurut Dr, antara perkara paling penting untuk minda pelajar adalah Oksigen yang ada di dalam otak kita. Di dalam otak kita ada Neuron yang mula diaktifkan seawal 1 bulan kita berada dalam perut ibu kita. Ini semua adalah melalui DNA kita dan disalurkan maklumat melalui saluran darah. Apabila saluran darah kita bersih maka maklumat akan sampai kepada neuron kita dengan lebih baik dan hasilnya adalah seorang anak atau manusia yang lebih bijak. Antara pembersih darah yang paling penting adalah OMEGA yang boleh didapati dari ikan laut atau telur dan LEBIH MUDAH LAGI DARI HERBALIFE OMEGA 3 FISH OIL :)

Itu sebab kalau kita tengok keputusan peperiksaan, negeri Terengganu paling cemerlang kerana students mereka banyak makan ikan! Ikan di sana kaya dengan OMEGA :)

Dr Abdol , menyatakan ada 22 galian yang diperlukan oleh badan & minda kita. (Semuanya ada dalam Formula 1 kita!). Dia kongsi 3 yang penting dulu:

1. Zat Besi - Sayur bayam atau spinach kaya dengan zat besi yang penting untuk membantun pengaliran darah. Itu sebab kalau ibu mengandung, gerenti doktor akan bagi iron atau zat besi. Salah satu tumbuhan di Malaysia yg banyak zat besi adalah PEGAGA. Alhamdulillah, bapa kami ada hadiahkan 1 pasu pokok pegaga kepada kami. hari-hari boleh petik buat ulam makan dengan nasi. Mungkin nanti boleh experiement blend bersama Formula 1 :). Menurut Dr Abdol, kandungan zat besi dalam pegaga adalah 22 kali lebih banyak! Jadi makanlah pegaga. Untuk anak-anak kena cari cara kreatif utk mereka mahu makan.

2. Magesium

3. Vitamin B-Complex - ini banyak ada dalam kacang soya, kismis dan buah kurma yang lembap. Tempe dan tahu juga banyak.

Dr Abdol juga berkongsi tentang 4 musuh otak yang boleh ganggu minda kita utk ingat perkara yang dipelajari:
1. Caffeine - terutamanya dalam air gas! Semua air gas ada Caffeine, paling bahaya adalah Red Bull! Coklat juga banyak caffeine terutamanya Ferrero Rocher :) Kalau nak minum atau makan Caffeine pastikan dicampurkan dengan susu.

2. Jangan ketawa melampau-lampau selepas belajar/ulangkaji - jadi kita jangan buat lawak sampai anak-anak kita bergolek-golek ketawa atau tonton Maharaja Lawak selepas ulangkaji, habis semua ilmu hilang.

3. Jangan bawa masalah dalam tidur - pastikan kita bersih sebelum tidur dan jangan layan hp sebelum tidur, seperti panggilan telefon & sms. Tidur adalah masa untuk ita berehat.

4.Jangan cepat panik atau menggelabah - kita mesti belajar untuk sentiasa tenang dan bersabar.

InsyaAllah kita cuba usahakan, salah seoarang ibubapa kemudian ada berkongsi tentang nutrisi atau pemakanan yang sihat kita boleh ambil SAKTI iaitu

S - Sayur
AK - Air Kosong
T - Telur
I - Ikan

Dan kalau kita lihat semuanya ada dalam Herbalife! InsyaAllah kita boleh berkongsi. Untuk kami sendiri kami sudah mula berkongsi dengan parents kawan-kawan anak kami & alhamdulillah ada yang sudah mula gunakan produk.

Misi kita mudah nak bantu semua orang jadi lebih sihat & lebih baik.

Herbalife - Changing People's Lives

Untuk maklumat lanjut sila ke   

Thursday, January 10, 2013

4 Types of Customers (And How to Sell to Each of Them)

Yesterday, we came across this great article. If you have read personality plus or if you have taken the test with us and you know your personality this piece of information can really help you with your Herbalife business.

Herbalife is a people business. People are people. When you understand people the business becomes easy for you. Remember we have to develop ourselves not other people, than we can attract quality people. Enjoy reading and we hope this sharing can help with your business. InsyaAllah.

Here are the four basic personality types of retail customers and some tips on how to deal with each one.

As retailers, we deal with many different personality types on a daily basis. Of course each customer is unique, but there is universal agreement that there are four basic personality types. These are the main customer personalities specific to the retail environment.


As the name implies, this personality is generally associated with demanding people. They are the take-charge types. They want what they want when they want it - and they want it now! In extreme cases they can be intimidating know-it-all's. Directors are generally not into small talk; they want the facts in order to make a decision as quickly as possible. If you try to get in the way of their goal they will plow through you and, as the expression goes, "take no prisoners." They don't care about anyone's interest other than their own. Their goals are very clear. They want the best possible product at the lowest possible price delivered when they want it - which is usually immediately.

How to Deal with a Director

Eliminate as much small talk as possible, lay out the facts, give your reasons why they should purchase something and make it brief and to the point. Generally these personality types have high self-esteem, almost to the point of being obnoxious about it. One of the most valuable tools you can use here is to compliment their direct style and decisiveness. The one thing you never want to do is to tell this personality type they are wrong or they are not listening to you. You must let them make their own decision. You can try to make suggestions, but make sure they are short and to the point. Remember, the Director gets turned off when you present yourself in any way as a roadblock to their goal. Remember: Never confront the Director -- stay out of their way!
* The director seems like a choleric person :)

The Analytical Personality
These types usually have professions that require accuracy and analysis. These would include jobs such as accountants, engineers or scientists, whereby they conduct research and analyze all the possibilities before making a decision. What motivates this type of personality when they come into a retail store to buy? Facts, details, product descriptions, Consumer Reports information... They want data. Analyticals read manuals, directions and the fine print. Like the Director type they are unaffected by small talk or the niceties that can accompany a retail store visit.

How to Deal with an Analytical

Give them facts and data. Do not make a statement unless you can back it up with pertinent information. If the product has detailed labeling, give it to them. There is one major advantage when it comes to dealing with the analytical personality: They have done their homework and/or comparative research. In many cases they will actually know more than a salesperson or owner, which makes them a valuable source of information. Don't be afraid to ask them why they came into your store, because there IS a reason. The biggest asset they have is all the research they have done about the product you are selling. And they have it neatly filed away in their iPad or Smart Phone so it can be easily referenced in seconds. Remember: Asking someone's opinion is considered the silent compliment.

* The Analytical is more likely a melancholy person.

The Relater (or Belonging) Personality Type

The Relater/Belonging personality type has a strong need to feel part of a group. I like to use the "my" test on this personality type. This means when a customer refers to "my accountant," "my doctor," "my garage," "my electrician," "my lawyer," or "my store," your store becomes part of their network. These people are usually three calls away from getting anything they want. They always know someone who knows someone who knows someone - the classic example of "three degrees of separation."

How to Deal with a Relater

The reason we refer to the Relater shopper as "Belonging Type" is because they take an ownership position in anything they do. The easiest way to sell to this personality type is to simply ask them, "What is your opinion of this product and do you think we should carry it?" Their response might be something like, "I think it looks good and I think you should carry it. I might like something like that. Let me see it." The bottom line is to include them in any way you possibly can, because they want to feel a part of the decision making process. A word of caution: The Relater can come into the store when the owner is not there and report back to the owner if someone isn't doing their job.
On the plus side, they are wonderful customers to have and a sensational source of never-ending referrals. Remember: Inclusion is the name of the game with the Relater customer.
* The Relater seems to more phlegmatic.

The Socializer
Socializers are exactly as the name implies. They are outgoing, love to talk and love to make new friends. The Socializer wants to build a relationship with people who work in the store. This personality type places likeability as one of the most important buying criteria. If they don't like you they are not going to do business with you. Socializers want to build friendships. If you talk to them like an Analytical, with facts and figures, they will shut right down. As similar as they might be to the Relater, loyalty isn't as important to the Socializer. If they can develop friendships in several different stores then they will go to several different stores. Socializers love to receive and give compliments. However, they tend to be self-centered. They want to go to a store where they are made to feel important. This is the one group that retailers, owners, managers and salespeople relate to the most, because the majority of retailers will fit in this category!

How to Deal with a Socializer

The most important thing to remember is that it's not all about the merchandise; it is about the relationship. Always remember that the first thing you are selling is yourself. You can be giving merchandise away, but the Socializer won't care if they don't like you. Use compliments liberally. Do whatever you have to do to remember the names of these people. Don't lose sight of the fact that although they look at the shopping experience as a fun, social event, your goal is still to sell them merchandise. Remember: Keep the Socializer focused, yet be light enough to make their shopping experience fun and entertaining. The next time someone walks into your store, size them up and put them into one of these four personality categories (it's a lot easier than you think once you get the hang of it). You will then be better prepared to interact with each customer on a higher level, and increase your sales drastically.
* The Socializer is a Sanguine type of customer :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

From 10 got 3 but 2 already in & only 1 going!!!

What a day! Today we sent out sms to 10 people who were interested with our opportunity and those that visited our website at .

From the 10, we got 3 who responded and wanted us to contact them for more info. One of them SMS back to us and immediately asked us, is this Herbalife? and we said yes! Than she said she had already joined and had used the products but stopped. We then told her that is awesome and that she should continue because the products are amazing and that we & our family have been using the products since 2009. After that she did not reply anymore ;)

The second prospect, a student at UTEM Melaka,  asked us to call him at 5pm which we did. We started talking and it was goig very well up to the point we were inviting him to attend a HOM in Sg Petani. Then he asked us, what is the company name? We said that it's Herbalife! He said that he already joined and he was using the products. But right now he did not have any money to continue and he could not afford to join Spectacular @ Bukit Jalil. We told him, that's great! You are in the right company at the right time and you should build Herbalife. He was excited that we were doing Herbalife as weel and he asked if we could coach him! Wow! A downline from another group asking to join us. So we told him NO, he need to go back to his introducer/upline and get into the system. Go to the training and become an expert. That is the way to success. That is the short cut. Training is everything.

Finally, we called our last prospect for the day. He came to our DYS training a few years back and was sent from UM. He is a Kelantanese boy and working in KL now. We went through the intro and he agreed to come to the HOM. So we'll see where it goes.

Wow! What a day! Cannot wait for tomorrow and who & what new experiences we will have as we build our Herbalife business. This is so much fun! Hopefully we can share more as we build this together.

To get to a YES you must be willing to go through the NOs. We still have one of our favorite books entitled, 'IF THEY SAY NO, JUST SAY NEXT!' :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Our First Herbalife Opportunity Meeting (HOM) in 2013!

Alhamdulillah today we managed to attend our first Herbalife Opportunity Meeting or HOM at Seri Pacific Hotel (besides PWTC) KL. We went together with our 3 kids - Elina, Aiman & Danish. Today is just a way to warm up and get into gear as we start our Herbalife business for 2013.

It was great to listen to all the testimonials on the health results and income. The health result that got us excited was from a 63 year old grandma! She has 24 cucu!!! She had all the problems an elderly person would have such as sakit lutut. But with Herbalife everything is gone. She looks so healthy and energetic at the age of 63!!! Subhanallah! Thank you Allah & thank you Herbalife!

The most outstanding income endorsement for my kids was Rudi Samjis, Millionaire Team endorsement. He said that last year he made a three quarters of a million! Last month his income was more than RM80,000!!! Our son, Aiman immediately asked us how much is three quarters of a million and we told him, RM750,000!!! They were shocked and said it is amazing! We loved to see the reaction of our kids. They love to attend HOMs!

You get energized and you get motivated and it is truly a great way to invest your Sunday rather than just lazying around at home doing nothing. The best part for us was listening to our team member, Taufik, a Supervisor, only 24 years old working for TM sharing his results. He has lost a total of 15kg!!! We are so proud to see him on stage. InsyaAllah, we pray to Allah that Taufik will achieve all his dreams. Amin.

After the HOM we had a chance to sit down and invest some time with Taufik. It was great and he shared his experience attending the BOSS training in Melaka. He told us that he was joining people setting up booth at Equine Park every week and he is loving the experience. He also shared that he learned about the DREAM Board  where everybody write down their dreams and put pictures on a board together. It is a goal or dream that we share with our team to inspire and motivate each other. Really great idea!

Presidents Team, Fadhil Muda said that Herbalife trainings is an opportunity to train yourself to become a millionaire. Think about it, you invest your Sunday for RM40 only to learn how to become a millionaire! Only RM40 and just for 1 day in a month and people still say they don't have time and money. Funny! And yet they want to be rich. You must know what you want. Can you get want by doing what you are doing now?

It's really something to think about. It's a NEW year. Let's do something special together! Come & join us in Herbalife and let's do MAGIC together. InsyaAllah.

Visit our website at or contact us @ 0162626741 today.

The past is the past, let's move forward together. Hope to see you at Spectacular in Bukit Jalil!